I'm a bit early with this actually, but as a busy weekend looms I thought I'd post it now. Our task this time was to collect those weird and wonderful word verifications and create a poem around them. I've typed my words in capitals but don't think there is much doubt as to which they are. Here goes:
I came downstairs this morning -
ate my bowl of healthy SKAIN
then grabbed my lightweight LARIACK
and headed for the train.
It was a busy morning
and there was much to do -
a quick DOOMATTI for my lunch
then I worked on, right through.
are very well EPLECT.
I've worked for them for many years -
they all have my respect.
All three are so JOUTOLLY
and very RATIONE.
I think SOLTU is an EXPOLE
and mad on rigatoni.
The other two are slightly VOCYTH -
Quite SADLOLIK in many ways,
but very far from dim.
The motto of their firm is
which very roughly translates as
'What a load of rubbish this is'!
Thursday journal with Neet
'I try to watch what I eat but it's too fast' are the words this week.
Annette was giving her friend a hard time about her weight and eating
habits. She ...
2 days ago
I don't believe it, Heather! Another cracker! More brilliance! Why is everyone so good at this? Fabillanto!
I'm trying to collect enough words
to make my own! you certainly did...
thanks !
That last verse is hilarious - I am tempted to adopt it as my mantra! WV very appropriate too = throots to you Heather!
More fun. I have just seen Weavers and I am OPPERELI.
Brilliant Heather.
You got eplect! you lucky dog. I could have used that one. Frabjous pome!
Priceless, especially that last verse! I love how these nonsense words can so easily carry meaning when set in context: lariak - I'm pretty sure I had one of those with a hood, years ago.
Surprisingly easy to read ~ I love your take on this challenge! Well done.
ronspera, Helen
I can foresee dozens of unintelligible posts on certain blogs from now on!! Caunce!
Magic! You are definitely a poet!
What a hoot - whoever thought those stupid verification words could be so much fun! Unhalli and Cheers, Robin
Heather, you are seriously going from strength to strength. This is marvellous. The "Latin" motto stanza is fantastic - great idea.
Loved it all.
Loved your poem Heather ....very Jabberwockian and totally mimsy!!
You had me gyring and gimbling.....
This is so funny Heather. Thank you too for all the lovely comments you leave on my blog. I do reply to as many as possible by email but I have a sneaky feeling my replies don't reach you. I hope you've managed your 10 minutes of sketching today!
Lovely Jubbly!
This one really skips along. Loved it.
How do you do it, Heather? So funny it was almost like listening to the British policeman in Allo, Allo, but not quite so pronounceable, Thanks for the laugh.
Hahaha!Totally enjoyed your poem...
Excellent poem Heather!
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