It is probably another collared dove altogether, of course. Come to think of it, the nest looks quite a bit more substantial than last year's effort, so this pair are better builders.
My husband was concerned that the birds might peck at the TV cable and ruin his reception of sport programmes but if yesterday's rugby results were anything to go by, they have had the reverse effect! I wonder why this is such a popular location for their nests. I suppose it is quite a sheltered spot - the Sky dish itself, the overhang from the bedroom windowsill and maybe warmth from the brick wall of the house all helping to keep the elements at bay.
I hope you have had your fair share of the recent sunny days - what a treat. Back to damp and dreary today sadly, but we are moving slowly in the right direction.
Thursday journal with Neet
'I try to watch what I eat but it's too fast' are the words this week.
Annette was giving her friend a hard time about her weight and eating
habits. She ...
2 days ago
Or it could be that they have simply improved their technique. A little more gloomy today but still pleasantly mild.
I don't think pigeons or doves ever learn how to make a proper nest! Glad you have had some cheerier weather. We are having a slightly cooler day here thank goodness, the heat last week was simply awful,though I shouldn't complain. I am not trying to clean up after devastating floods. Cheers
Now that is a sign of Spring, bet they'll be noisy in the mornings. We used to have collared doves nesting outside our bedroom window and they made such a racket every morning.
Eggs already Heather? Here it is blowing a gale and hailing fiercely today and the temperature is 2.5 - no bird in its right mind would lay in these conditions.
What a wonderful site for a nest - but those eggs are surely too early if the weather turns cold again. Good luck to them!
I couldn't work out what I was looking for at first and started looking for a stick insect Heather! lol - what a noodle. it is very early for eggs isn't it?
It is early isn't it? She didn't even wait for St.Valentine's Day! I hope the chicks will survive if we get another very cold spell.
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