Sunday, 2 January 2011

The cat, the panetone and the Poetry Bus.

We were having a slice of panetone with our afternoon cuppa the other day. I put my husband's plate beside him on the sidetable and the cat screwed round to sniff at it - we couldn't think why it might interest him. My husband picked the bread up to take a bite and the cat made a grab at it, almost savaging it! There were bits flying everywhere. It is all quite sedate in the photo here as the best action had already taken place before I could grab the camera, but you can just see Hamlet's tongue as he takes another bite. Strange animal.
This week the poetry bus is being driven by Jeanne Iris whose blog is Revolutionary Revelry. She gives us three options and I chose the third which is to write our own version of 'Auld Lang Syne'. I can't do the clever stuff involved in recording and posting it. Mine is short and sweet but it fits the tune quite nicely:
Lose weight, get fit,
improve my mind,
is my resolve this year.
It's rash of me
to tell you this
as my will is weak - I fear.
E'en so I'll give it
my best shot
and try to use my time
in useful ways -
not wasting it
by searching for a rhyme!


jill said...

Happy New Year, I love the poem and the story of your cat I wonder what made him do that, cats are such funny creatures aren't they. I also liked the shell from the previous page, your a very talented lady with all that you do.

Heather said...

Thankyou Jill - but can I spell? Should it be pannetone or some other spelling? I can't check the packaging as it has been recycled.

jill said...

I just googled it as it looked fine to me and it is double t as in panettone, but I wouldn't worry about it as long as it tasted good, thanks for your comment. If you can write your own name then you have learned how to move a pencil so give it a go, there are some great sites on here for ideas

Helen said...

You would approve ~ I sang your entire poem. Love it! (I use panettone in a magnificent bread pudding, kitty would most likely enjoy it too.) Happy New Year.

Linda Vincent said...

You got me singing along too....great stuff Heather!!!
And Happy New Year!
PS Thanks for your kind thoughts about Mum :-)

The Weaver of Grass said...

Brilliant rhyme Heather.

As for the cat and the pannetone - methinks that cat rules the household! Or else the master of the house is a pushover (I have seen photos of the two together before and the cat is usually in the dominant pose!)

Julie said...

Enjoyed the rhyme Heather :-) did the cake/panettone have cheese in it? My cat used to love cheese.

Heather said...

Thankyou for the spellcheck Jill. No cheese in the panettone Julie, and you are right about the master of the house being a pushover with regard to our cat Weaver.

Karen said...

Hahahaha! I like it! Happy New Year!

Totalfeckineejit said...

A lovely waste of time there Heather!Beter than the original, Happy New Year , Hoots Mon!

Pete Goulding said...

Agree with TFE, much better than the original (though I would suggest the success of the rhyme kind of negates the last sentiment in the poem!!)

Heather said...

I feel I should apologise for those last two lines to all the real poets out there. It sounds as if I think that writing poetry is a waste of time. I don't, of course.

Susan Lenz said...

Thanks for the comment on my blog! I absolutely LOVE your recently completed shell! So novel, so appropriate to the theme and the subject!
PS I've been to Bristol once....just through the train station! I love traveling to your country and generally visit at least once a year. My elder son, Mathias Dingman, dances for Birmingham Royal Ballet.

Maggi said...

Lovely poem Heather, it made me chuckle as did the cat and the panetone - are you sure there was no catnip in it??

stressedoutsue said...

Hi, I am totally new to this... came across your blog while looking at some sewing stuff on google. I do so like the things you are doing and I would like to blog too but not sure how... any tips? sos

BT said...

Love your cat photos, how funny the things they like! I sang along to your Auld Lang Syne and it fits perfectly - well done.