It does seem rather greedy, but we have two robins' nests in the garden. I don't ever remember having one until now. I wedged this old tin kettle into the support for the summer jasmine years ago and have been on the verge of taking it out several times because nothing used it. In the last few days we have noticed activity there, and have seen the robins going in and out with beakfuls of building material. The robin in the picture here sat still for so long I wondered if I was looking at a dead leaf!
The robins eggs in the nest on the other side of the garden have hatched and we can hear faint 'peep-peeps' from the babies.
Mrs Dove has two new fledgelings to rear, and there are bluetits and great-tits nesting in other parts of the garden. I suppose it isn't surprising as my husband spends half his beer money on bird food! Only half, mind you! We are on permanent cat patrol to see that they all get reared safely as the two houses which back on to ours have four cats between them.