Tuesday 29 May 2018

Partial Success.

The hare book is finished and I took photos of each page and loaded them onto my laptop - or so I thought.  So far I have only found these, and there are 17 in all, counting the cover.  Even these few are in the wrong order and I haven't a clue where the rest are. 
 The one above is a pen sketch on a piece of dyed silk.  

This is on paper with a soft wash of colour on it, which I would have found easier to use without the background colour.   Some crayons worked better than others, but I am learning as I go.

All of the drawings were copied from two books about the hare which are full of wonderful photographs.  The Hare Book by the Hare Preservation Trust and The Hare by Jill Mason.

I did have to resort to partial tracing but on the colour washed background the tracings didn't come out clearly but did help me get the proportions right.

I also have a delightful photo of a dear little dog called Bubba who I have adopted through the Dogs Trust.  I can't have pets in this flat and haven't the energy to take a dog for walks each day, and in any case it would not be practical bearing in mind I have a long carpeted corridor and a flight of stairs, or the lift, to reach a door to the outside for late night (or midnight) canine bodily functions! 
 He is on the camera but not on the laptop, but I'll keep trying to improve the loading of photos and let you meet him another time.

Friday 11 May 2018

Decisions, decisions.

I have made a start on my hare book but, having completed one page, I am bogged down by indecision as to how I should continue.   I would like each page to have it's own identity somehow, but this is probably just over-complicating what is a very simple book.

I turned to Pinterest for inspiration and discovered such a treasure trove of wonderful things that I have completely overloaded my imagination and am drawn in all directions at once.  You can have too much of a good thing!   I think I shall have to put it to one side for a while and focus on something else to allow everything to settle down.

At least I am not rushing headlong into this project as I usually do.  So often I have been disappointed with the result and have thought of ways in which I might have improved the piece had I not been in such a hurry.

A week ago I enjoyed a mug of chilled soup with my lunch - today I was glad to have a mug of hot soup.  You definitely need sleeves today but the cooler temperature made my daily walk easier and more comfortable.  Pros and cons.

Friday 4 May 2018

A delightful visitor.

Just had a visit from my youngest daughter and her husband with their rescue dog.  She, the dog, is a 3 year old Jack Russell who is now known as Boudi - short for Boudicca!  She is a feisty little thing and has been quite badly traumatised from her past experiences but is coming on really well with her new training, though it could be some time before she accepts petting from me.  I know I must be patient but am longing for a cuddle with her.  She has been aggressive in the past and I would hate to cause a set back by trying to stroke her before she is ready.  My daughter and son-in-law have gained her trust and she is totally relaxed with them, and that is the main thing.   The rest of us must wait our turn.

It is gradually getting warmer and I needed help this morning from a kind shopkeeper when I had caught my scarf in the zip of my coat.  It seemed well and truly stuck and I was coming to the boil and desperate to undo it.  So nice to think that it might be allowed to stay in the wardrobe next time I go out.

All the trees are greening up quickly now and I am so pleased to find tiny wild flowers in the grass beside the footpath on my way to the Supermarket.  It makes me feel a little less urbanised.  Sparrows are shouting at each other in all the hedges, the blackbirds are singing their heads off and pigeons are canoodling on the roof tops.  I think we can safely say that spring is here at last, what ever the weather decides to do.

May the Fourth be with you!