I have been busy knitting teddy bears for my three new great-grandchildren. Two have arrived and the third is due next month. That applies to the teddy bears too!
I have also been knitting 'twiddle muffs'. I had never heard of these until one of my grand-daughters asked me if I would like to make some. She works with dementia patients at a local hospital.
The muffs are decorated with various knitted textures and then buttons, ribbons, beads and any other interesting items are stitched on to provide something for restless fingers to play with.
I have photos of them all ready to post but cannot get them from the camera onto the laptop. I shall need the help of my daughter again as soon as she has a spare half-hour.
The muffs have been a godsend during the recent humid weather. My body seems to shut down and I can't concentrate on anything, so a bit of freestyle knitting was a wonderful excuse for sitting with feet up and all the windows open until things got a bit cooler. Hayfever hasn't helped.
I must go in search of a few bedding plants tomorrow as slugs have eaten all my petunias. I don't have a garden as such but there is a tiny bit under my kitchen window which needs brightening up in time for the Britain in Bloom judges and I want to do my tiny bit as one of our residents is a keen gardener and has won several awards for her skill. Our communal garden is lovely and her efforts are much admired and appreciated.
Hope you are all able to enjoy this lovely weather.
Thursday Journal with Neet
'The best man for the job is a woman' are the words this week.
Sometimes I agree with that statement, or as my Dad used to say, If you
want a job doi...
5 days ago