Monday 4 June 2018

I have found a few more photos!

Not very pleased with this one - they look as if they are dancing, not boxing!

Not so keen on this one either.  The silk was awkward to draw on and the patches of dye were very off-putting.

I apologise if I have duplicated any pictures from my last post.  I have been back and forth through so many photos trying to find all of the hare book pages and Bubba.  There are still several missing so maybe I'll just take them again and hope to find them next time.

I'm having a little break from drawing and am now knitting teddy bears.  I'll post those when they are completed.  I bought loads of wool from a cut price store and have enough to keep me going for ages!


Bonnie said...

I love them all! Your talent is amazing and I really enjoying seeing your work. How many books like this have you done?

liparifam said...

Lovely - nothing wrong with dancing hares, lol!!

Heather said...

I can't seem to leave comments on your blog Bonnie but am answering your question here. I have made quite a few books but my more recent ones were inspired by workshops given by Frances Pickering whose work is amazing. Thank you so much for your kind remarks.