So, from the top: I spotted this brave little daisy and viola looking quite fresh and perky after being covered with about 3 inches of snow for 2 or 3 days. It began to thaw yesterday, then snowed and sleeted all morning today but seemed to carry on thawing at the same time. Everywhere looks very soggy and tatty now and last Friday's fairyland is a distant memory.
The knitting is part of my latest cardigan, now completed, which will come in very handy if we get the expected low temperatures I have just been reading about. The colours are stronger and richer than they appear here. I must stop knitting cardigans but the finished garment is so comforting and the making of it is very therapeutic, and I am now suffering withdrawal symptoms as I have nothing else on the go. Perhaps a trip to the wool shop is in order - what can I make next?
The last two photos are of a couple of waxwings who visited us today. On Saturday I saw one in the front garden but it only stayed for a few moments. Then this morning this pair arrived and started tucking in to the apple slices we throw onto the lawn. They were so hungry and stayed for several minutes. The light was poor and I dared not get too close to the window for fear of scaring them off, so the picture is not very clear. I haven't seen waxwings since we lived in Cheshire well over 40 years ago and to have them visit the garden is a real treat.
If it freezes hard tonight I shall wish we had a sledge and crampons as tomorrow is the day we like to make our weekly trip to the supermarket and we may not be able to get up to the main road in the car. I think animals who hibernate in winter have the right idea.