In theory I am tidying my workroom, but need a breather so thought I'd tell you about this wonderful book which arrived yesterday. It has fired me with enthusiasm and is packed with useful information on how to use various products and make use of materials and items we already have in our homes. Cas Holmes is a great recycler and doesn't believe in wasting anything. Her techniques are all low-tech and she doesn't use chemicals, which pleases me as I'm not happy with either. Because of the mixed-media nature of her work she advises keeping various types of fabric and paper separately organised which makes so much sense, and today I have been trying to do just that, having first had to tidy my room to find said fabrics and papers. I have filled 4 or 5 large bags with things I will never use (famous last words!!) and think the local secondary school textile department might find them useful. If not they can help fill the charity shop ragbags. Cas Holmes does a lot of fabric printing and her work features beautifully machine drawn plants and birds.
We are having very interesting weather today. At lunchtime the sun was shining gloriously so we took our snack outside and began to eat. Five minutes later we heard the first rumble of thunder and saw very dark clouds coming ever closer. Another few minutes and the rain was pelting down, gutters overflowing and a moat forming round the house - it was very un-English rain. All is quiet at present but it rumbled on and off for quite some time.
I usually feel a bit guilty when I buy another book (there is another one on it's way) but I justified it as we are not going on holiday this year and I don't get to exhibitions and workshops these days so a book (or two!) is quite permissible. I have learned so much from books although the personal contact with a tutor is great, as well as the interaction with other students.
Well, break over and back to the tidying. I can see two baskets full of miscellaneous stuff which need sorting and am determined to have cleared my work surfaces before I pack up for today.
Thursday Journal with Neet.
The words this week are 'Everything slows down with age' Well I know how
that feels.
The two sisters Amy and Millie are pestering their mum Janeen to sh...
4 days ago