I woke up to see puddles in the road this morning and by the time I was eating my breakfast I was listening to another heavy shower. It is comfortably cool today and by the look of the sky, there will be more lovely rain to come. Sorry to those who wanted a dry weekend, but I am revelling in it.
The plumber has been working his magic and my shower room is looking good already. He wont be back until Wednesday as B&Q can't deliver the shower panel until then. First of all it was left off my original order so I had to phone for one. I had hoped to order and pay for it over the phone but that wasn't possible, so it meant another trip to do that. Then just when I thought it was sorted, I was told that the one I had ordered was damaged. Hence the wait for a replacement. Luckily the plumber isn't going on holiday until the week after next.
I haven't been out for three days and am looking forward to a walk. I don't even care if I get wet. I am definitely not a tropical bloom - just a regular wild flower! If you are still waiting for some rain I hope yours will arrive soon.
Thursday Journal with Neet
'The best man for the job is a woman' are the words this week.
Sometimes I agree with that statement, or as my Dad used to say, If you
want a job doi...
5 days ago