I thought I needed a beautiful accessory to show off my new chair, so I borrowed this one.
She is very good at sharing it with me!
I started making this little book ages ago and came across it recently so decided it was time I finished it. The theme is Spring and I seem to have reverted to childhood and rediscovered all my favourite wild flowers that evoke so many memories. It must be all this talk of wildflower meadows and roadside verges.
I didn't much like some of the coloured pages, and found them difficult to paint over. That is why some pages have the motif painted onto a scrap of plain paper.
I think I had better leave wildflowers alone for a while and find another theme, otherwise everything will get very samey. Several ideas are churning around in my head - it is just a case of picking one to start with.
I hope your gardens are enjoying the rain. Someone has told me that next week will be another scorcher. Summer may have arrived late this year but it is certainly making up for lost time.