A part of me has never grown up and I am always thrilled when I see frogspawn in our pond. We also have newts and they eat it, so this year I have taken a friend's advice and put some in a deep tray filled with pond water and already they are beginning to look tadpoley. I will have to clean them out in a couple of weeks - lord knows quite how! It all takes me back to early school days when we took tadpoles to school in a large jam jar, for the Nature Table. I have put a large stone in the tray so that when the spawn has become froglets, they can climb out. When they have reached that stage they will be safe from newts.

Poppy came to visit again today. She was very vocal and makes sounds that aren't a bit dog-like. She also swivels her head from side to side when we talk to her and I was hoping to get a good shot but missed it every time. Imagine her head another two or three inches to the right, and then as far again to the other side and you'll get the idea. I get worn out keeping her amused, but she is indefatigable.
I have nothing creative to post about, unless you count gardening and a couple of baking sessions. Our local little garden centre - which I like so much better than the big ones - is selling tomato plants already so I bought six on Monday and they are planted in large bottomless pots standing in growbags - three pots to each bag - in the greenhouse. They had three different varieties so I bought two of each.
Last week whizzed by in a blur with no time for anything and this week is doing the same. I must organize my time better and tidying my workroom would be a good idea if I ever want to find anything again.