I am recovering from the exertions of emptying the living room for the carpet fitters to do their stuff, including helping my husband take up the old carpet and underlay. He cut the carpet into three sections to make it more manageable but even so it was so heavy. I was very envious watching one of our grandsons blithely toss each section into the back of his van as if it weighed nothing! We had had offers of help but when the time came our son-in-law was ill in bed and our son was helping his son move house, but we managed and took our time with rests in between. I'm amazed at the amount of disruption just redecorating and carpeting one room has caused. I don't think any other rooms in the house escaped being affected by it, barring the bathroom and downstairs loo!
We are delighted with the room - it looks so light and fresh now. Almost everything is back where it belongs and I have had a lovely clear out, so the cupboards are tidy and the charity shop has benefited to the tune of three boxes of 'stuff'.
The last time I was as tired as this was when we moved to the Bristol area nearly 38 years ago and our youngest daughter was a month old! Not recommended. However, it is good to know that I must be fitter than I thought.
I had a piece of exciting news the other day. I opened my emails to find I have won a place on the 21 Secrets workshop. There was a giveaway for one workshop place on Ro Bruhn's blog and I left my comment and thought no more about it. I was almost in a state of shock when I read that I had won and it took a while for it to sink in. It begins on April 1st and luckily I can work at my own pace as I still have 2 modules of my Sketchbook course to do. As far as I understand, the 21 Secrets workshops are given by 21different mixed media artists so it will be very varied and I hope to do them justice. I know I shall learn a lot more than I have been able to pick up from books and magazine articles. I can't wait to start and am trying to finish all the other things I need to do first.
I have almost finished my daughter's wedding skirt - it has been a beast as the fabric is lovely but so slippery (cream satin) and I don't really like dressmaking anyway. I keep telling myself 'I am making this with love' but it's through gritted teeth! I think she will be happy with it and that is what is important. I wonder if the weather will have warmed up a little by April 13th. If not, quite a few females present will feel rather chilly. I hope there is room for a thermal vest under my outfit - just in case!
I hope you have a lovely Easter weekend, germ free if possible. Keep warm and don't eat too much chocolate!
Thursday Journal with Neet
'The best man for the job is a woman' are the words this week.
Sometimes I agree with that statement, or as my Dad used to say, If you
want a job doi...
5 days ago