Saturday 22 October 2016

And About Time Too!!

I have had these photos on my camera for about a fortnight and have only just got round to putting them on my blog.   Where does the time go?    Here are the remaining pages of my book started on Frances Pickering's late summer workshop.   Harebells above and barn owl below.

Poor old badger looks as if he is being clouted with a lump of wood in my clumsy attempt to make it look like a fallen dead tree, under which he has built his sett.
Gold finch on teasel.


A worm's eye view of mushrooms.

A fox out hunting - the page is much darker than it seems here.

Harvest mouse.

Wild strawberries.

Somewhat regimented bee orchids.

I had great fun making this little book and was brave enough to draw directly on to most of the pages.  For the more difficult subjects I drew on a separate piece of paper then cut out my drawing and stuck it onto the book page.  This was necessary for the birds and animals.

I am starting on a new fabric book working with the designs of William Morris.  Lots of hand stitching, which gives a welcome break from the on-going task of clearing the garden for the winter.  I am gradually winning, but it is slow work as energy is in short supply but I am keen to do it.

I hope you have all had a share of the glorious weather we have had recently, even if only half a day at a time.  However, the dew is so heavy that I am waiting for the grass to dry before I can cut it, even though we haven't had any rain to speak of for some days.  If it gets too long I shall need a scythe, or maybe a couple of sheep.