Sunday, 16 October 2011

Bird Brain!

This quite large pigeon tried to take a bath in our mini waterfall feature yesterday. It's antics were hilarious. He or she had just done a lot of feather ruffling before I took this photo but sadly each time I tried, I missed the best shots and they came out blurred. There is only about 2" of water in there, and inspite of almost lying on it's side and stretching one wing up in the air for balance, I can't imagine it even managed to get wet. I had difficulty getting a good view as I had to take it through a window and there are canes and strings outside which kept trying to get themselves in focus instead of the pigeon. Hence the not terribly clear picture.

The final four pages of my little book. I have lost count of which ones you've seen so apologies if these have been posted before.

I now have to make a cover and find a way of fixing them into it. I hesitate to use the term 'book binding' as I don't really know how to do it properly.

I have just posted my fourth chapter of work on my other blog and am exhausted. Trying to get all the examples and notes in the right order so that my tutor knows what she's looking at gets very complicated, and at one point I thought I'd lost it all and would have to start again. Luckily I had clicked 'Save Now' after loading all the pictures. Thank goodness there were only three to worry about for this post.


The Weaver of Grass said...

This book is beautiful Heather - I am green with envy. You sound to be doing a lot of work on that course. I am still ploughing on with learning to draw but have for the moment abandoned all ideas of doing the course at distantstitch because it has become evident that I really would not have the time.

Anonymous said...

Well done Heather, you are doing such good work. I'm sure you'll find a way to make it into a book.

Carol Q said...

lovely Heather. I do like the combination of paint and stitching. lol - I think book binding can be a very loose term these days. I look forward to seeing what you decide.

Maggi said...

A gorgeous book Heather. The nice thing about this type of book is that it doesn't have to be bound in a formal or conventional way. Like the pigeon, you will find a way!

Val said...

I love your book Heather - the paintings are so delicate, they look as though you really enjoyed working on them!

Digitalgran said...

The book is beautiful Heather and at first glance I thought they were pressed flowers. I love what Maggi said about finding a way just like the pigeon :)

Linda Vincent said...

What a lovely idea....I really like the effect of stitching onto paintings. Its going to be a book to treasure!
(You made me laugh re: the pigeon - a bit like Peachy trying to fit inside small boxes :-) )