Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Is the moon tired........?

"Is the moon tired? She looks so pale beneath her misty veil".

I took these photos last night and they reminded me of a poem I learned as a very small child. Sadly, I can't remember any more of it, or who wrote it. Maybe someone out there in Blogland has the answers.

I've been working on my little book pages and here are two more. The one on the left is waiting to be stitched but I think the other one is finished.

I can't decide if these are finished or not. Sometimes a little tinkering does the trick and sometimes it just makes things worse! To tinker, or not to tinker. That is the question!!


Anonymous said...

That's a pretty fragment of a poem Heather. I wasn't expecting to see the full moon last night as we had been covered by cloud all day, but at 10.30 there she was, smiling down and no cloud to be seen.

I like your book pages, I think they look finished - less is more as they say...

Maggi said...

Lovely pages Heather.

Carol Q said...

lol - think we all feel like the moon some days Heather. lovely words though. your book pages are lovely - very light and delicate.

Allabitrandom said... never one to refuse a google opportunity! ( Christina Rossetti )
Call me old- fashioned, but your little flowers are what embroidery needles are made for.

The Weaver of Grass said...

My first husband who was an accomplished watercolourist always used to say,;When in doubt, leave it'.

Ro Bruhn said...

Beautiful pages Heather. I'm all for tinkering.

Musing said...

It's amazing, Heather. I have a moon photo very similar to this. I'll put on my blog, a pic of what I did with it in Photoshop combining two photos.(when I find them!!)
I love yor flower pages. I have never believed I can draw, but am manageing to do some flowers that don't completely embarass me.

Totalfeckineejit said...

Your book pages are brilliant!

Val said...

Your wild flower pages are just beautiful Heather - they will make a gorgeous little book.

Digitalgran said...

I wish I could look as beautiful as your moon when I'm feeling tired Heather. I'm glad Allabitrandom found the poem for you. It's very frustrating trying to remember words that just will not come to mind.

Margaret said...

I always wonder however we lived before Google, when I can only remember a fragment of a poem, or wonder about a movie, & so much more. Now that I'm "a senior" (😱🤢) I do believe fully half my brain is on Google. (Speaking of senior--does anyone remember the search engine AltaVista? It was great because you could exclude words, look for words near other words, & so on. Very useful.)