I only ordered this a couple of days ago and it arrived this morning. How's that for service?! My photo doesn't do this cover picture justice at all, and the colours are bright and vibrant. The book is full of lovely ideas and examples of Maggie's beautiful work and I shall enjoy trying them out.
Can't stop and chat - I'm off to play.
Blogger has taken me completely by surprise and everything about posting is different, so I hope this works - here goes - I'm hitting the 'publish' button.
Thursday Journal with Neet
'The best man for the job is a woman' are the words this week.
Sometimes I agree with that statement, or as my Dad used to say, If you
want a job doi...
5 days ago
ooh Heather - I think I might neeeeeed that book! lol. can't wait to see what you find in it.
oh Heather how lovely! Maggie is coming to our branch tomorrow to give us a talk and I am really hoping that she will have copies of her book with her. I am really looking forward to it.
ooooh this looks like another must have.
Yes, I do know that should have been 'brought' and not 'bought'!!
My copy is on its way, I am hoping it arrives before we go away at the weekend. I love what you are doing with the catalogue in your previous post. I put some out a few years ago too, but i didn't do it the right way here in the tropics obviously as nothing worked well and I haven't got around to trying since! Thanks for you lovely comments on my blog always. Cheers
oh dear there goes my purse again!!
I was just reading all about Maggie's new book on her blog - it looks fabulous - and I have just done and entry on my blog and discovered it had all changed too argh! :D
Cheers Bridget in Australia
Thanks for you comment Heather. Maggie was a delight. We all had such a good time. Her new book is just what you expect from Maggie and I can't wait to get going with some of the techniques. ICHF at Aintree beckons first. We, Preston Threads, are setting up our exhibits and then back there on Thursday stewarding. No rest for some!!!!
Aha...something else for my Amazon wish list :-)
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