Friday, 30 August 2013

Taming the Jungle!

I had just stopped for a breather and noticed this butterfly on the handle of the fork.   It was obliging enough to stay there while I fetched the camera.   I think it's a Tortoiseshell though the colours in my photo are somewhat faded.

Couldn't resist this bumble bee on the verbena - they have obligingly moved out of our compost bin so we can use it again.

We bought this monarda for the bees so I hope they appreciate it.

In the nursery where we bought this cone flower it had a gorgeous Red Admiral butterfly on it.   I am waiting for one to visit it now it's in our garden.

I am abandoning the garden and my husband this weekend and going off this afternoon to enjoy myself on a course with Frances Pickering.  It's residential so I'll be waited on hand and foot and be able to concentrate on my favourite pastime of making fabric books.   I hope there'll be time to take some photos.


The Weaver of Grass said...

Lucky you on that course - do give me all the details, I love fabric books.

Linda Vincent said...

Great photos...I see you have lots of pinky/purply things in the garden like me :-) I think the butterfly might be a comma.

Jane said...

Have fun and enjoy being waited on.

The Bug said...

I love the flowers - gorgeous! Have a great time - can't wait to see what you work on.

Gill said...

I think your butterfly is a comma too - definitely not a tortoiseshell!!

Rowan said...

Lots of nice bee friendly flowers, I'm another who thinks your butterfly is a comma. Hope you enjoy your course.

Ro Bruhn said...

Gorgeous photos Heather, I love the bumble bees, we don't have them over here. A workshop with Frances Pickering, that will be wonderful. I have two of her books that I drool through on a regular basis.

Robin Mac said...

I too love your photos Heather, and we do have bumble bees in Queensland - mayb e just not down south where Ro lives. Lucky you to be doing that course, looking forward to photos. Cheers

Carol Q said...

lovely cottage garden flowers Heather. I think the butterfly might also be a comma.

Julie said...

I hope you've had a fantastic time in Frances' workshop. Pictures please!

Maggi said...

Lovely insect friendly plants. Hope you enjoyed your workshop with Frances Pickering, I'm sure it was right up your street.