Monday, 22 December 2014

A Christmas Card..............

.......... for all my friends on Blogger and Facebook.   I couldn't run to a partridge in a pear tree so you'll have to make do with this pigeon in our crab apple tree instead.

Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy, Creative and Healthy New Year.   For anyone who wont be having a merry Christmas I hope that 2015 will be kinder to you.


Carol Q said...

lol - very funny Heather. Hope Father Christmas brings you whatever you have asked for. have a lovely holiday.

The Weaver of Grass said...

What a lovely image for Christmas Heather. Thank you for your Christmas card.

The Weaver of Grass said...

What a lovely image for Christmas Heather. Thank you for your Christmas card.

Penny said...

Love the pigeon and that you have crab apples on your tree. Merry Christmas and a lovely 2015.

Ro Bruhn said...

Lovely photo, have a wonderful Christmas and a very Happy and Creative 2015

Maggie Grey said...

Lovely colours in that pic, Heather. Happy Christmas.

ferinn said...

Much more original than the usual Heather.Season' greetings to you.

Gina said...

This made me smile this morning! Happy Christmas Heather.

Julie said...

Have a very Happy Christmas Heather and thank you for your friendship this last year. I hope 2015 is good to you xx

Maggi said...

I hope that you had a lovely Christmas Heather. All the best for 2015.