My dear Mum died this morning. She celebrated her 102nd birthday on February 24th but didn't really know what all the fuss was about - neither did she know that she had been diagnosed with bowel cancer. I don't quite know what I feel at present - everything is a bit unreal, but I can't feel sad for her as she often said she had lived too long, and I am so relieved that she didn't have to suffer the advanced stages of this horrible illness. She had enjoyed almost 100 years of good health, and a long and happy marriage and often spoke of how fortunate she was to have had that.
The lighter moments were provided by Poppy - who else?! Our youngest daughter brought her to cheer me up this afternoon and inspite of everything I had to laugh at her antics. They call her their 'healing dog' because no matter what woes they have, she always lifts their spirits. Julia has made a little video of Poppy trying to bury one of her biscuits in our living room! You'll have to wait a day or two to see it I'm afraid as I need Julia's expertise to put it on here for me, but it should be very entertaining.
Thursday Journal with Neet
'The best man for the job is a woman' are the words this week.
Sometimes I agree with that statement, or as my Dad used to say, If you
want a job doi...
5 days ago
So sorry to hear your news. What a lovely post , I am sure she would approve and be proud of you.
My thoughts are with you and your family.
I am so sorry to hear about you mother Heather. It must be a comfort to know that she was both unaware of the disease and did not suffer excessively because of it. She must have seen some amazing things and changes during her life. I am glad that Poppy helped, animals are so good for that. My thoughts are with you.
my mother is nearly 98 and I thimk I may be a bit like you when she goes, she is going down hill and hating it, although I wouldnt be suprised if she makes 100.
Sad but glad, missing a long part of what was your life but perhaps a bit relieved too,
Remember the good times.
So Sorry to hear your sad news.
I am sorry Heather. It is always sad to lose a parent, but comforting to know that she had a long and happy life. My mum died aged 68, far too young. Love to you and I'm glad Poppy came to cheer you up!
Condolences. Sounds like you have many good memories of her which is a great thing. Hope the funeral brings peace to everyone.
Even to lose your mother at the wonderful age of 102 is sad, however much it was inevitable.
'Sad but glad', as Penny says. I offer you my best wishes and condolences.
Heather, so sorry about your sad news. She's still your mum however old she is. Sounds like she had a long and happy life though...
Sending my condolences Heather, and a great big hug
Oh Heather, I feel for you. Sending a big hug......
So sorry to hear about your Mum, I know your pain and relief at the same time. It's sad when their life just becomes an existence with no quality anymore. Grand children and animals are so healing, they make you realize life goes on.
My thoughts are with you Heather at this sad time.
Take comfort in the fact that she will not have any more pain.
Big hugs.
Thankyou so much for all these lovely and comforting comments. They mean a great deal to me.
Heather, I'm so very sorry for your loss.May she rest in peace.But I do think it wonderful that she was so loved and lived to see such a great age. Most unusual and totally marvelous.
I will think of you and yours this Easter. Best wishes, Peadar.
So sorry to read your sad news. May you have many happy memories to carry with you when you think of your Mum.
My thoughts are with you Heather, I am sorry to read about your mother's death, but what a wonderfully long and rich life she must have had, and how relieved you must feel that she didn't go through the indignity of the final stages of bowel cancer. Poppy will cheer you up I am certain. Hugs from Robin
Hi Heather. I am really sorry to hear about your mother. How amazing to have lived to 102 years old and as you say to have enjoyed 100 years of good health. I too am pleased that she was not aware of having bowel cancer and not having to suffer the latter stages of this awful disease. How lovely that you have poppy to bring a smile to all of your faces at this sad time. best wishes - Ann
My thought are with you today Heather. How wonderful to have had such a long and happy life. I'm so glad she didn't have to know what was wrong with her and that she went without too much suffering.
Young Poppy will be such a comfort to you and I look forward to seeing that video soon.
So sorry to hear your news. I have had the experience of losing someone who was ready to go, and for whom it was the best thing, but it's still not easy for those of us left behind.
Thankyou all for your lovely comforting comments. Each and every one is appreciated enormously.
I'm so sorry to hear your news Heather. I'm glad your Mum didn't suffer. x
Sorry to hear your sad news. My thoughts are with you and your family.
Heather I feel for you as my Mum has been having some health problems and it makes you think. Your Mum had a lovely long and happy life and I'm sure you will miss her but you must have some lovely memories to comfort you. Poppy did a grand job cheering you, animals always know the right thing to do when we are sad.
Look after yourself and take each day slowly. Lots of love
Julie x
So Sorry to hear of your loss, Heather, but at least your Mum had a long life and it sounds as it it was a happy one.
Poppy certainly looks as if she was enjoying the challenge of burying her bone indoors, so glad she was able to cheer you up, dogs are such levellers.
I am so sorry to hear your news. I just lost my 102year old Aunt and certainly can relate to your. sorrow.
big hugs, always,
Me, Bob & Poppy x x x
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