Saturday, 10 December 2011

Strange beings, a little friend and a welcome sight.

I can't believe that I am already working on the last chapter of Module 1 of my Sketchbook course. These strange faces are for chapter 9 and involved finding out about the work of the 16th Century painter Arcimboldo, who painted portraits with fruit and vegetables making up the features. Thank goodness I wasn't required to paint the face, but only had to create it from fruit and vegs. He even has designer stubble on his kiwi fruit chin! I quite like his sweet corn kernel teeth even if they are yellow.

This version, made up from fruit and vegs cut from magazine illustrations looks a bit sinister to me. It was a fun exercise to do and I never dreamed I would think of using carrots to represent hair.


I can't believe it is over a week since I last posted - I don't know where the time goes.

Today we had our little friend with us and in this photo I have just mentioned the word 'walk'. I think I got her attention! It is slightlty blurred as she swivelled her head round to look at me.

In a little wander round the garden, trying not to notice all the weeds that have been steadily growing throughout the autumn, I came across these Christmas Roses or white hellebores. They are well in bud and should bloom in time for Christmas. I have tried growing various hellebores for ages without success but in recent years they have been very obliging. This will be the first time the white ones have flowered for Christmas.

A more disturbing discovering was a spray of pink cherry blossom in the front garden - not due for three more months. I tried to get a photo but the light wasn't right. I do hope the tree will realise it's mistake and hang on till the middle of March when it becomes the main attraction.


Julie said...

I saw some blossom coming out on some trees here a few days ago too. The seasons are getting very mixed up aren't they? Your fruit and veg folk look like fun, I've been doing something similar to make fun faces so you'll see it eventually when I get the journal quilts made.

Thank you once again for your enthusiastic comments on my blog. Lanzarote was wonderful and a great revelation. xx

Ro Bruhn said...

LOVE your fruit and veg faces, they have so much character and personality. Your little friend is gorgeous too. It seems strange to us having hellebores out for Christmas, ours are long gone we're into roses and lilies.

The Weaver of Grass said...

I am now going straight out to look if our Christmas roses are out - I had completely forgotten about them. Love those veggie faces - well done you to keep up that course - as Christmas approaches my efforts have fallen by the wayside I am afraid. Once bad weather comes I should be able to get going again.

Carol Q said...

ooh, they're interesting Heather. never heard of that chap before. no doubt your little friend had a lovely visit and was thoroughly spoilt. hmm - our osteospermum is flowering too.

Robin Mac said...

those vegie faces are just wonderful Heather, you are so creative. congratulations on keeping up with the course. cheers

Gina said...

Your fruit and veg faces are such fun Heather

sharon young said...

What a great fruit and veg portrait and i love your second portrait too.
I remember being introduced to Arcimbolodo in my history of art on a foundation course, I'd forgotten all about his work, it's fascinating.
Love your little visitor :-)