Just words today as I haven't had time to sort out my photos yet. There are some from nearly two weeks ago when we went to Symonds Yat overlooking the River Wye as well as those from my little holiday.
I had a lovely week in Glastonbury with our youngest daughter last week. The weather was amazing and actually too warm for comfort a couple of days, but we managed to find shade in several interesting shops! and postponed our trek up the Tor until the end of the week when it was cooler. There is the most wonderful view from the top - a full 360degrees and you can see for miles. I didn't know that there is a small wildlife area within the Abbey grounds which has a badger sett, and the duck pond is full of huge carp whose scales look golden when they swim through a patch of sunlight.
The first morning we were there, I woke up at about 6 o'clock and heard a cuckoo calling. It must be over 30 years since I heard one.
I'll do a proper Glastonbury post later in the week when daughter and I can get together as she has some of my photos on her camera, due to the fact that I had left mine behind in the flat the day we went into the Abbey museum and I saw the wonderful cope and medieval tiles.
It's been all go since we got home. The garden had become a jungle-cum-wilderness and the liner for the new pond had been delivered so I have spent the past two days weeding and digging up plants to be saved and potted in order to make space, as the new pond is larger than our current one. Our son came this afternoon to empty the old pond and rehouse the frogs and newts temporarily in a tank. I had no idea we had so many - there must be well over a dozen frogs and over twenty newts.
At the moment it all looks dreadful - a bare uneven area of soil with a big hole in it and mud all over the patio slabs. It can only get better! When it's all put back together and replanted I'll take a photo and show you. Whatever we did to the garden last autumn seems to have paid off - it's all looking very lush and healthy. I'm sure plenty of other gardens are the same and maybe we needed that 'proper' cold winter weather so that the seasons knew where they were and what they were supposed to be doing.
I took some homework on holiday to do in the evenings and made little canvaswork slips to add to my allotment piece. I will have to wait till the weekend before I can do any more to it as this week is booked up. When I have something worth showing you I'll post a photo of it.
Thursday Journal with Neet
'The best man for the job is a woman' are the words this week.
Sometimes I agree with that statement, or as my Dad used to say, If you
want a job doi...
5 days ago
Lots of photos to look forward to and I'll especially look forward to seeing your new pond. Glad you had a lovely week with your daughter :o)
What a busy time you have had since you came home. I am glad you were able to climb the Tor in not-so-hot weather. Seeing a badger's sett would be a real treat for me. The medieval cope sounds interesting, I am looking forward to the photos. Cheers,
Symonds Yat is stunning isn't it Heather? Looking forward to the photos. I love newts
Look forward to seeing your photos Heather. The way things are growing at the moment it shouldn't take long for the garden to recover and the pond to become fully established
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