Sunday, 19 February 2012

Finished at last!

This is the front cover of my fabric book and has turned out to be a much easier job than I anticipated. Below is a view of the spine ..................

.................. and this is the Grungebord hinge which I am determined to use as a closure though I haven't worked out exactly what to poke through that little hole to hold the book shut.

A view of the back cover.

I lined the cover with this fabric paper made from Beryl Taylor's instructions in her lovely book 'Mixed Media Explorations'. I was hooked on making fabric paper at one time and had so much I thought I'd never use it all, but suddenly it has nearly all gone.

I thought about binding the edges to neaten them and protect the fabric paper, but decided on the simple option and just zigzagged round everything. I wasn't sure if the sewing machine would cope with all the lumps and bumps of scrim plus heavy vilene and fabric paper, but I took it gently and all went well, and it looks much neater and less obvious and fussy than a binding.

I came across this very robust and rustic looking paper and decided to stitch my pages to it to hold them together. It worked very well and I just had to use the zipper foot to machine through all the layers down the edges of the spine - cover, lining and this rustic paper - to attach it all together.

All that remains now is to work out a way of holding the book closed. All attempts so far have proved unsuccessful but I have one more idea to try. I'll let you know if it works.

I've nearly completed another module of coursework, then I can play with my goodies on the embellisher. I shall be scared of wasting such lovely fibres but, as the old saying goes, you can't make an omelette without breaking eggs!


Lyn said...

truly a work of art!

Carol Q said...

lovely textural book cover Heather.

sharon young said...

The cover and the gasp look superb, and so in keeping with the pages.

Ro Bruhn said...

You've created a masterpiece Heather. A beautiful family heirloom.

Penny said...

Looks fantastic, lovey wood like cover.

Robin Mac said...

What a truly superb book - I hope it is going to be displayed in a very special place! I have just caught up with your previous blog with all you goodies from Dale. You are going to have fun playing with those. Cheers. Now I have to cope with that terrible word verifier - I hate what Blogger has done.

Heather said...

I think we all feel the same about the word verifier Robin. I can't see the point of it, especially as half the time the words are indecipherable.

The Weaver of Grass said...

I am sure you will work out how to get the book closed Heather - fortune always favours the prepared mind. As usual, it is absolutely lovely.

Jane said...

That is a lovely cover Heather, it fits the theme perfectly. I struggle with the word verifier too and do give up sometimes.

Linda Vincent said...

Your book is fabulous Heather ....definitely something to treasure. I love the way you always try out new ideas and share them with us.