Friday, 18 October 2019


I saw a similar little wrap-around note book on Facebook and wanted to try to make one myself.
Above is the front of the book.

This is the back.  The base is a piece of cardboard packaging, decorated with patterned paper napkins and other bits and pieces.

The inside of both notebooks are the same.  The pages are stitched in place down the lefthand crease to allow for the wrap over.

This is the outside of the second notebook which is waiting for it's pages to be stitched in place.  I have learned such a lot during the making of these two and hope I shall remember it all as I would like to make something larger and more artistic, with a Nature theme.


Bonnie said...

Those are beautiful! I thought it was fabric at first. You are so creative at making things like that!

The Weaver of Grass said...

As usual I am green with envy - everything you make is so creative.

Hill Top Post said...

I would love to see inside the notebook after the pages are stitched in. What lovely little gifts these would make.